Refund Policy

Effective Date 05-March-2022

Policy Considerations

In accordance with Australian consumer law, WYSER Men is not required to provide a refund or replacement if you change your mind. However, we recognise that unforeseen circumstances can arise which require people and organisations to reassess their priorities and commitments. Accordingly, this policy outlines the circumstances under which a refund for learning programs may apply.

This refund policy specifically applies to learning programs which you register for online via WYSER Men's website, where full payment is required at the time of registration via credit card, or immediately after registration via direct deposit or other delayed payment method, in order to successfully secure your registration for attendance.

Our refund policy is based on the following considerations:

  • All learning programs require a minimum number of attendees in order to ensure the financial viability of running that learning program. Additionally, some learning programs require both a minimum and maximum number of attendees in order to ensure the integrity and efficacy of that learning program in accordance with its design objectives. This means that:
    • The closer we get to the scheduled date of a learning program, the more difficult it is to backfill any places left vacant by attendees who cancel their booking.
    • Withdrawal from a learning program after the commencement of that learning program can cause disruption to, and issues for, the delivery of the remainder of that learning program.
  • Learning programs that are scheduled to occur on a given date require WYSER Men to dedicate one or more Certified Mentors to the delivery of that learning program. The closer we get to the scheduled date of a learning program that is completely cancelled or has to be rescheduled, the more difficult it becomes to secure an alternative engagement for the mentor(s) allocated to that learning program.
Cancellations and Rescheduling Notices

All cancellations and rescheduling requests must be submitted in writing to WYSER Men via email, even if that notification is first given face-to-face or via phone. Requests are to be emailed to

Given that refund amounts are calculated based on the number of calendar days prior to the commencement of the learning program that the notification is made, the date of notification will be deemed to be the date of the email sent to WYSER Men. If you wish to confirm that WYSER Men has actually received your notification email, please phone us on +61 407819777 immediately after you send the email.

Exclusive Bookings versus Individual Bookings

Sometimes organisations or groups completely book out an entire learning program to the exclusion of any other attendees from outside their organisation or group ("Exclusive Booking").

Exclusive Bookings are different to bookings where individuals, or groups of individuals, register to attend a learning program that will also be attended by other individuals or groups of individuals ("Individual Booking").

Exclusive Bookings and Individual Bookings are subject to different refund policy terms and conditions as described below.

Individual Bookings

This section applies to clients who pay for registration to attend a learning program for an individual, or a group of people, where that learning program is not run exclusively for that individual or group of people, e.g. an Individual Booking as defined above.

Where client cancellations occur in relation to Individual Bookings, WYSER Men will apply its best endeavours to secure additional registrations to backfill the position(s) left vacant as a result of the cancellation. In the event that WYSER Men is able to successfully secure replacement attendees, then the client will receive a 100% refund of the amount paid and the refund amounts listed below will not apply. However, if replacement attendees cannot be secured, the following refund amounts apply based on the date that WYSER Men receives written notice of the cancellation:

  • Greater than 30 calendar days - 100 % refund.
  • Between 14 and 29 calendar days - 75 % refund.
  • Between 6 and 13 calendar days - 50 % refund.
  • 5 or less calendar days - No refund.
Exclusive Bookings

This section applies to clients who pay to completely book out an entire learning program to the exclusion of any other attendees from outside their organisation or group. This is referred to as an Exclusive Booking as identified above.

The following scenarios apply to Exclusive Bookings:

  • Substituting Individuals - If one or more people are no longer able to attend a learning program prior to the commencement of that learning program, then the client may substitute alternate attendee(s) to backfill the vacant position(s) provided that those alternate attendees meet the pre-qualifying conditions applicable to the learning program (if any). However, once a learning program has commenced, it may not be possible to substitute individuals. Substitutions must be pre-approved by WYSER Men as it is not always feasible to have an individual commence a learning program when it is already in progress.
  • Cancellation of Learning Program - If a client completely cancels an Exclusive Booking learning program (without rescheduling to an alternate date), then the following refund amounts will apply:
    • Greater than 30 calendar days - 100 % refund.
    • Between 14 and 29 calendar days - 50 % refund.
    • Between 6 and 13 calendar days - 25 % refund.
    • 5 or less calendar days - No refund.
  • Rescheduling of learning program - If a client wishes to reschedule an Exclusive Booking learning program, then no refund shall apply, however, additional fees may apply as follows:
    • Greater than 21 calendar days - no rescheduling fees apply.
    • Between 14 and 21 calendar days - clients may be invoiced for a rescheduling fee of 50% of the cost of the program or service unless alternative work is secured for the mentor(s) involved.
    • Between 6 and 13 calendar days - clients may be invoiced for a rescheduling fee of 75% of the cost of the program or service unless alternative work is secured for the mentor(s) involved.
    • 5 or less calendar days - clients may be invoiced for a rescheduling fee of 100% of the cost of the program or service unless alternative work is secured for the mentor(s) involved.
Cancellation or Rescheduling by WYSER Men

WYSER Men may cancel or reschedule a learning program at its complete discretion.

Cancellation - In the event that WYSER Men cancels a learning program, attendees will receive a 100% refund.

Rescheduling - In the event that a learning program is required to be rescheduled, WYSER Men will apply it's best endeavours to coordinate with all registered attendees in order to identify alternate dates which suit the majority of those attendees. Attendees who are unable to commit to the learning program on the alternate dates will receive a 100% refund and the resulting vacancy will be made available to other attendees.