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It's never too late to be what you might have been.

Merlin's Code | Quest 5 - Family Harmony

Self-Paced Online Course

A very important aspect of discovering how your family deserves to live in harmony. You will learn how to create a harmonious family environment, where your children can learn communication, connection, and boundaries all from your modelling!

Course Merlin's Code | Quest 5 - Family Harmony
Cost $97.00 (USD)
Course Code mc-harmony
Course Type Self Paced eLearning Course
Merlin's Code | Quest 5 - Family Harmony

Throughout the first four quests of the Merlin’s Code program, you have worked on developing the Life Skills to help establish yourself as a sovereign man who is able to clearly understand your journey and purpose in life. We now turn to the way you show up as a man in your own home.

For every man who has chosen the path of fatherhood realises, that with that decision, comes deep responsibility for him to provide and guide his family.

Creating wealth and accumulating assets are all the signals that you are maturing into a responsible man. A family man! Your responsibility to yourself, to your partner, to your children, and to your work environment, is the chosen path of a WYSER man.

Now we turn to something that often goes unnoticed - Family Harmony. And when conscious awareness is given to that need, there is often a deep regret that this has gone unnoticed. For it is something we were never taught by our father or our parents.

Family Harmony, as the name implies, creates a sense of unity and togetherness among family members. It creates a positive atmosphere where conflicts are resolved amicably, and individuals can express themselves freely without fear of judgment or criticism.

It is often noted that when family members feel supported and loved, they experience less stress and less anxiety, and this in turn enhances their overall mental health, and importantly, contributes to a happier household.

Family harmony also fosters a sense of belonging, which is essential for individuals to feel secure and confident in their relationships. For it is from this, that cherished memories, and strengthened emotional connection between family members, is created.

And, the major cause of the lack of Family Harmony in today’s modern households is YOU!

In this final quest the realisation that this is YOUR responsibility is usually very confronting to most men!

By recognising the impact of their actions and past traumas on their families and relationships, men have the potential to create positive change.

It is important to understand that one's behaviour can have a ripple effect, which can lead to disharmony and negative outcomes within the home.

Only then can you focus your efforts on creating Family Harmony.

SQuest 5 of Merlin's Code – Family Harmony is also the fifth and final online course of the Merlin's Code program (or the fifth module of the full five-week group learning course which includes a total of 22 hours of Zoom meetings facilitated by one of our Certified Mentors).

This quest will take you on a journey towards becoming a man who shows up as a happy, balanced and loving man, and a good partner and father. A man who has a positive routine and dedicates time to ensure that your life priorities remain focused, your “cup” remains full, and you understand why that is important to family harmony. A man who works with his partner to put the strategies and support structures in place to ensure a harmonious home. And a man who has the life skills to work with his partner to create a life of happiness and harmony within your family home.

Usually, modelling from our childhood unconsciously creeps into our own family. If you take the time to remember back to when you were watching your parents interact, was it harmonious or stressful, especially during your formative years between birth and 7 years old? And in addition to what was modelled to you, our experience indicates that you are likely to be one of the greatest contributors to disharmony in your family, due to a lack of your own emotional responsibility.

Other causes of disharmony in your family or household may stem from: parents arguing constantly and fighting in front of your children.

  • Blended Families - new step-parents, or step-brothers and sisters.
  • Blended parents unable to let go of “protecting their child” from the new partner.
  • A parent or relative having alcohol or drug problems.
  • And stresses due to unemployment, money or housing problems.

In this final Quest, you will be guided to understand that Family Harmony means that there needs to be strategies and support structures set up within the family home, by both parents, that help create and maintain a harmonious family environment.

Your responsibility centres around your awareness of what is needed in your household, with one of the most important responsibilities being to be the best communicator you can be to both your partner and your children. Being a well balanced and emotionally responsible man, and working together with your partner to set mutually agreed boundaries for all members of your family, will underpin the success of establishing Family Harmony in your home.

Remember that your children are watching! So take responsibility for the way you show up, and your family will feel safe enough to connect, communicate, and share their lives in harmony!

This is the final quest of the Merlin’s Code program. It requires a knowledge and application of all of the life skills you have looked at throughout the first four Quests.

From WYSER Men’s perspective, this final quest is what Merlin’s Code is all about happy, well balanced men, who are good husbands and good fathers. Men who fully take on the responsibilities of manhood and fatherhood and are good role models for their children.

We look forward to guiding you through this important quest of self discovery and learning.

Effective Date 05-March-2022

Policy Considerations

In accordance with Australian consumer law, WYSER Men is not required to provide a refund or replacement if you change your mind. However, we recognise that unforeseen circumstances can arise which require people and organisations to reassess their priorities and commitments. Accordingly, this policy outlines the circumstances under which a refund for learning programs may apply.

This refund policy specifically applies to learning programs which you register for online via WYSER Men's website, where full payment is required at the time of registration.

Money Back Guarantee

Your satisfaction is very important to us. If you notify us in writing (via email to with an explanation as to why you are not satisfied with, or not getting value from, the Merlin's Code course, we will refund 100% of your course fees and close your WYSER Men account.

All refund requests must be submitted in writing to WYSER Men via email, even if that notification is first given face-to-face or via phone.

Cancellation by WYSER Men

WYSER Men may cancel or reschedule a learning program at its complete discretion.

In the event that WYSER Men cancels a learning program, participants will receive a 100% refund. If a learning program is rescheduled to new date that does not suit the participant, then notify us in writing (via email to and we will provide a 100% refund of the course fees.

Registration Form

To register for this course, enter the details of the participant, confirm your registration, enter your payment details and submit.

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