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It's never too late to be what you might have been.

Merlin's Code | Quest 3 - The Natural Order

Self-Paced Online Course

A deep look into relationship and family structures and how there is a natural order to how they can exist in harmony.

Course Merlin's Code | Quest 3 - The Natural Order
Cost $97.00 (USD)
Course Code mc-natorder
Course Type Self Paced eLearning Course
Merlin's Code | Quest 3 - The Natural Order


  • Are you a man who is unable to communicate without conflict?
  • Do you have difficulty dealing with confrontation, without your emotions turning into anger, rage, and sadness?
  • Are you unaware of your triggers, and emotional reaction, when challenged or confronted by others? Especially your partner?
  • Do you constantly interrupt your partner, and show a lack of respect, contempt, or resentment towards them?

If some of these are relevant to you, do you really think that you are being a good role model for your children?

What we all saw as conflict play out in our lounge rooms and kitchens, as boys and young adolescent males, is being reflected yet again by the young men and fathers in our society today.

The reality is that the personal skills and modelling we experienced as a young boy have now vanished.

We believe that the introduction of personal electronic devices within the family home, is producing a vastly different type of modelling, that is giving rise to young men and fathers who have minimal personal skills; a lack of awareness around how to model the role of a responsible husband; and in a lot of cases, men who have no idea about how to be a father.

This is seriously affecting the personal, and inter-personal skills of today's young male adults.

Quest 3 of Merlin's Code – The Natural Order is the third of 5 online courses which comprise the Merlin's Code program (or the third module of the full five-week group learning course which includes a total of 22 hours of Zoom meetings facilitated by one of our Certified Mentors).

You saw in the Life Priorities Quest, the relevance and importance of your choices. Now we expand into the myths and beliefs that people have, around the roles that you and your partner play in your relationship.

This third Quest will take you on a journey that will help you to become a confident and sovereign man, who understands his place in what we know as, the Natural Order - both within your home, and within your relationship.

We will guide you towards becoming a man who creates a harmonious life with his partner, and knows how to create harmony in his home. A man who approaches conflict with his partner in a controlled and respectful way. And a man who is a good partner, good father and good role model to your children.

The definition of the Natural Order is, "The orderly system comprising the physical universe, and functioning according to nature - as distinguished from human, or supernatural laws".

This is a journey back to what you saw modelled to you when you were a child, and what has stayed in your psyche ever since. As a young boy growing up, you observed how your parents interacted in their everyday connection with each other. Your ideas and understanding of intimacy, sexuality, personal intimate interactions between males and females, how to treat a woman, how to argue, how to react to confrontation, and so on, has all been unconsciously instilled in you.

Today, young adults have a limited understanding of these attributes, and a limited ability to deal with their emotions and confrontation, without them turning to rage, anger and sadness.

With all the changes in our society, relating to relationships, male-female roles, financial and work demands, single mother and single father families, it is no wonder that many men and women are confused as to what "roles" they have within their relationships and households. This is because their responsibilities have changed - in some cases, quite dramatically. And with that change comes what is often called an Alpha Male, or increasingly more in today’s society, an Alpha Female.

This course aims to provide guidance for Alpha Males, and Alpha Females, on how to navigate their respective worlds. Additionally, it also aims to help men gain insights into living with themselves as an Alpha Male or, if they are not one, how a Beta or Omega Man can coexist with an Alpha Female.

Put simply, The Natural Order is a time-proven overview of how to be in a respected and long-term relationship, that allows both partners to be more aware of their responsibilities towards each other, and importantly, towards the next generation of men and women - their children!

It is important to note, that this Quest follows on from Quests 1 and 2 - A Man's Timeline, and Life Priorities. Each Quest in the Merlin’s Code program, is so intricately interwoven with the others, that the individual learnings of each Quest, while having impactful results, is even more powerful when it is fully integrated with all five Quests of Merlin's Code.

We look forward to guiding you through this important quest of self discovery and learning.

Effective Date 05-March-2022

Policy Considerations

In accordance with Australian consumer law, WYSER Men is not required to provide a refund or replacement if you change your mind. However, we recognise that unforeseen circumstances can arise which require people and organisations to reassess their priorities and commitments. Accordingly, this policy outlines the circumstances under which a refund for learning programs may apply.

This refund policy specifically applies to learning programs which you register for online via WYSER Men's website, where full payment is required at the time of registration.

Money Back Guarantee

Your satisfaction is very important to us. If you notify us in writing (via email to with an explanation as to why you are not satisfied with, or not getting value from, the Merlin's Code course, we will refund 100% of your course fees and close your WYSER Men account.

All refund requests must be submitted in writing to WYSER Men via email, even if that notification is first given face-to-face or via phone.

Cancellation by WYSER Men

WYSER Men may cancel or reschedule a learning program at its complete discretion.

In the event that WYSER Men cancels a learning program, participants will receive a 100% refund. If a learning program is rescheduled to new date that does not suit the participant, then notify us in writing (via email to and we will provide a 100% refund of the course fees.

Registration Form

To register for this course, enter the details of the participant, confirm your registration, enter your payment details and submit.

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